Does Your Landscape Architecture Firm’s Website Design Have These 7 Essential Features?

Does Your Landscape Architecture Firm’s Website Design Have These 7 Essential Features?

Whether you are building a car, a house, or a website, they each have core elements or features which they must have regardless of what they look like or how they function when completed. In the case of building a website for your landscaping architecture firm, the expert web designers will advise you that whether it is the most complex of websites, or the simplest, it must have certain essential features.

The question now is if you feel that your website is not performing in a manner that you believe to be beneficial to your landscaping architecture firm, then is it the case that it is missing one or more of the core features necessary for it to do so? To help you identify what these core features are, and confirm if they are present or not, here is a brief explanation of each of them

All Onsite SEO In Place: If your website is not appearing on the first page of the search engines and there is no sign of its rankings improving then there is something wrong with your SEO. Check that the onsite SEO of a quality website is all in place, 100% accurate, and optimised for all of the keywords that you want to rank for.

Simple Navigation Throughout: A great website will never have a confused visitor, wondering what page they are on, and unsure how they can navigate, either to another page or back to the home page. This is achieved using simple navigation, with the most common being a menu appearing at the top or the side of each page of the website.


Landscaping Trends of 2022

Landscaping Trends of 2022

As each year passes, new landscaping trends start popping up across the country. Many homeowners are looking for something unique and aesthetically pleasing that makes them stand out in their neighbourhood.

If the new year on the horizon has you looking at your landscaping options, here are a few of the most exciting ones, picked by Complete Projects WA, to start your 2022 with a bang.

A Wildlife Haven

While landscaping for your own needs will always be a popular trend, 2022 will mark the beginning of a new movement: landscaping for wildlife.

Whether you want to hear birds singing in your trees or enjoy knowing you’re giving wildlife a home, it can be a worthwhile consideration to make.

Ask your local landscaping experts about specific plants to attract wildlife, native trees and bushes for shelter, and shrubs for nectar and seeds. A few minor additions can be all it takes to create a wildlife-friendly backyard.

A Mental Health Retreat

Many studies have looked at nature as something that benefits our mind, body, and spirit. In recent years, there has been more focus on our mental health than ever before.

So, it makes complete sense that 2022 will be the year homeowners start looking at ways to make their gardens and yards more mental health-friendly. Fortunately, there are so many options that can tie in with your current house design.


5 Myths About Epoxy Floor Coatings

5 Myths About Epoxy Floor Coatings

If you have been researching floor coatings you will undoubtedly have come across some information relating to epoxy floor coatings, and if you haven’t, well you have now. Whilst there are plenty of excellent posts and articles about epoxy floor coatings, there is also a fair amount of misinformation.

We are not suggesting that any of it deliberately trying to mislead people, but instead, it comes from misunderstandings, and also from hearing, and then repeating myths about epoxy floors. So, to help those who are looking for facts about epoxy floors we thought it was only right to call out those myths and explain why they are simply not true.

Myth #1: Epoxy Floors Are Slippery

This is one of the most common myths you will hear about epoxy floors, and it no doubt arises due to the smooth and shiny surface which epoxy floors have. Contrary to the myth, most epoxy floors are slip-resistant, and there are even specific epoxy coatings that have tiny, raised bumps that prevent slipping or skidding for floors in locations where slips and falls are a particular hazard, such as hospitals, and manufacturing units.


10 Landscaping Tips For Those Who Live In Dry Climates

10 Landscaping Tips For Those Who Live In Dry Climates

One thing that anyone who loves gardening, and landscaping, in particular, knows is that the climate they live in, and the prevailing weather can have a huge impact, both positive and negative, upon your activities. Too cold, and your plants are at risk of being attacked by frost. Too wet and they can literally drown. Too hot and dry and they can wither through lack of the life-giving water and moisture they need.

If you’re a expert on landscaping in Australia, it is likely the latter of those three scenarios that you are facing most often. Whilst we Aussies like to boast to those from overseas about our sunny weather and how we love spending much of our life on the beach, having the baking sun and intense heat for most of the year-round, which some states have, is not something that most landscapers will be thankful for.

It means the work and the maintenance you need to do to ensure your flowers, shrubs and grasses remain healthy, is increased enormously. No doubt you have often wondered if there is an easier way to look after the plants which grow within your landscaping designed garden. Whilst we cannot do much about the hot sun and dry days, we do have 10 great tips that should help.

Tip #1 – Do Some Research: If you want to do landscaping in a part of the country where rainfall is minimal then research the sort of plants that are well known to thrive or at least survive well in those hot and dry conditions. You can ask Adelaide Building Supplies on advice for what materials suit dry climates.


5 Myths About Composite Decking Debunked

5 Myths About Composite Decking Debunked

There are many products, including different types of decking, that for some reason seem to attract more than their fair share of myths. In other words, there are misconceptions, some of which are completely ridiculous, as well as misinformation.

To be frank, there are also outright lies, which lead to people being confused about a product, and even deciding against purchasing it, simply because they believed one or more of the myths

Now, we must say from the outset that this is not the fault of consumers who are trying to find out more about a product and succumb to the myths about it, After all, they were not the ones which created those myths. In fact, it is hard to establish where these myths originate.

Sometimes they are from traditionalists who want to knock modern advancements and developments, and other times it might be rival manufacturers who try to sow doubts about a competitor’s product.

Often, a myth may have stemmed from an issue that a product had in the past, but which through development and advances in how it is manufactured, no longer exist, but the myth continues. This is very much the case with a lot of the myths relating to composite decking, as you will see.

Whatever the source or cause of a myth, in the end it does not matter. What does matter though, especially for those thinking about buying composite decking, is that we put those myths to bed right now and debunk them all.


5 Great Outdoor Lighting Ideas For Your Concrete Swimming Pool

5 Great Outdoor Lighting Ideas For Your Concrete Swimming Pool

One of the great things about having a concrete pool on your property is that you have an almost unlimited choice of how to design it and the surrounding area. Not only does it add value to your property but the way in which the aesthetics of your property can be enhanced by a concrete pool is incredible.

Landscape Designers tell us an option for enhancing it further is with the use of outdoor lighting, which can turn what might look like a pleasant and attractive pool area during the day, into a stunningly beautiful location at night. To get the wheels turning in your mind in terms of ideas, here are 5 of our favourite options for outdoor lighting for pools.

Underwater Lights

This is one of our favourites as nothing makes a pool more appealing for a swim at night than the lights that are underwater. Not only can they make a pool look stunning, especially if they are coloured lights, but they perform a more practical function in terms of making the pool safer. With the water lit from underneath it is easier to see that someone is in the pool especially if the surrounding light is not particularly bright.


These are great when you want specific features in and around the outside of your property to be highlighted at night. You may have a tree, certain flowers, or it could be some items of the gardening and landscape design or poolside furniture that you want to shine a light on. If you install some adjustable spotlights they can be positioned to shine on the pool when it is being used, and again the use of coloured lighting will enhance the atmosphere.


Say Goodbye to Clover in Your Lawn with These Tips

Say Goodbye to Clover in Your Lawn with These Tips

Even if you consider yourself to be the master of lawn care, there are going to be some weeds that you just can’t seem to get rid of. For many, that weed is clover.

Here in Australia, experienced landscapers will tell you white clover tends to be a perennial weed that rears its ugly head more often than not. Its stems can grow up to around 30cm long, and it can spread like wildfire. There are worse lawn weeds to encounter, but clover is undoubtedly one of the most persistent.

Just when you think you’ve killed it for good, it comes back with a vengeance. More often than not, killing the actual clover is the easy part, but stopping it from growing from seeds is a lot harder. Clover seeds thrive in high and low temperatures. They can even remain dormant for several years before deciding to grow where they aren’t wanted.

How to Get Rid of Clover

Now that you know what it is, the next step to get rid of it. Fortunately, there are several ways to go about it while carrying out your regular lawn care practices.


Five Benefits of Installing an Alarm Monitoring System

Five Benefits of Installing an Alarm Monitoring System

Alarm monitoring systems are becoming increasingly common across Australia. They provide an added layer of security for your home or commercial premises and help prevent intruders from robbing you or vandalising your property.

There are numerous different types of alarm monitoring systems available, but they are all based on the same core concepts. To put it simply, those using a monitored alarm system will benefit from real-time notifications if an intruder does attempt to break-in or vandalise your property.

In this article, we’ve outlined five major benefits of using an alarm monitoring service. Remember, it’s always a good idea to speak with a security expert to determine what sort of system is best for your property.

  1. You Will Be Notified Immediately if Something Is Wrong

The first, and one of the most notable benefits of installing an alarm monitoring system is that they will notify you as soon as your security system is breached. There are a few different options here.

First, you can opt to have security notifications delivered directly to your smartphone, either via an app or text messages/email. Alternatively, you can contract a security company to take care of things for you. They will be notified as soon as there’s a breach and will be able to respond accordingly.


How to Design the Perfect Bathroom Vanity

How to Design the Perfect Bathroom Vanity

Ask any cabinet maker from, and they will tell you that the bathroom is the most important room in the house, next to the kitchen. Shouldn’t it be one you’re proud of and one that you’re not ashamed for guests to visit? Designing the perfect bathroom vanity can undoubtedly assist, and here’s how to do it.

Take a Critical Look At Your Bathroom

If you have been thinking about renovating your bathroom, then chances are you don’t like what you see. But what is it about your bathroom that you don’t like? Is it the lack of storage? The dated or damaged vanity? Or maybe it’s the inferior quality cabinetry that doesn’t seem to withstand daily use?

Once you can identify what you don’t like about your bathroom, you can start thinking about what you want your new bathroom to have.

Come Up with Ideas

Realising why you don’t like your current bathroom is half the battle. The other half is coming up with solutions to those problems. For example, suppose a lack of cabinetry is to blame. In that case, it makes sense to include more cabinetry and a new vanity in your bathroom renovation.


3 Advantages Of Using Glass Pool Fencing

3 Advantages Of Using Glass Pool Fencing

Choosing the proper glass pool fencing for your home will go a long way towards helping you create the perfect backyard. There is a wide range of fencing materials and styles on the market, but some stand above the rest as modern, stylish choices.

Glass pool fencing has become increasingly popular recently, as more and more people are choosing it as a low-maintenance option that’s easy to clean and looks great. Consider using glass if you need a new pool fence but aren’t sure what to get.

Here are a few advantages of installing glass fencing around your swimming pool, provided by the pool fencing experts

  1. A Glass Pool Fence Will Secure Your Pool

Swimming pools pose a threat to pets and young children, who are at risk of drowning if they aren’t prevented from entering the pool area without supervision. Glass pool fences will secure your pool, protecting your children and pets and reducing the drowning risk.

Using a glass pool fence to secure your pool is an excellent option because of glass’s increased visibility. You can watch what’s happening inside the pool area from the outside, making it safer. This means that you can safely sit under your patio or at your outside table while your children are swimming without running the risk of them drowning.
