8 Tips For Caring For Your Landscaping During Long Hot Summers

8 Tips For Caring For Your Landscaping During Long Hot Summers

One of the problems that landscapers and gardeners have in some parts of the world is the weather, and in particular dealing with cold, wet, wintry conditions whilst creating and then maintaining landscaped gardens Conversely, here in Australia, the problems Perth Landscapers from martincuthbert.com.au face with weather are rarely that it is wintry but instead it is the hot, sunny weather that creates issues.

Whilst most people are happy when the sun is out, they are not so keen when the temperatures reach unbearable levels. That same mindset is held by many gardeners, including those who have landscape designs. Although the sun is most welcome as it helps flowers and plants to grow, too much of it, and the excessive heat which is generated, are most definitely not healthy for gardens.

So, if you live in a part of the country which is especially prone to lots of excessive heat and have a landscaped garden to look after, what can you do? Well, to start with, you can follow the eight tips we have outlined below for caring for landscaping during long, hot summers.


Maintenance Guidelines for Colorbond Roofs

Maintenance Guidelines for Colorbond Roofs

All homes need maintenance of some kind to keep their value throughout the years. If you don’t maintain your property you will find that when you want to sell it, the price you had hoped for may not be there. Meanwhile, your home is going to pieces around your ears and a big storm could well bring it crashing down.

The roof is one of the most important parts of the home, but unfortunately it is also one of the most neglected, mainly because getting up on it is beyond many people. They either don’t have the agility any more, or they don’t have the time, or the right equipment. This need not be a problem; there are many professionals out there who can do the job.

The cost of having your roof inspected for damage is much smaller than the cost of replacing the ceilings or the frame that has rotted due to leaks that were not found in time. It is also cheaper than having to replace a roof that suddenly blew off in a storm because the screws holding it on were rusted and no one knew.

Maintenance for Colorbond roofing is not difficult. You simply have to keep sticks and debris such as leaf litter off it and check the screws to make sure they are not rusted. If there is a build up of mould or moss on it, this should be cleaned off after wetting, with a soft bristle brush such as  a household broom – not a straw broom, though.


Window Replacements For A Living Room Makeover

Window Replacements For A Living Room Makeover

A living room is a room where we spend our most precious moments. Its decoration always plays a vital part to complete our living in the home. We often thought about making a change in our living room decor but because of lack of time and ideas; we don’t consider doing it.

Now, if you have considered doing it, then there are several elements to work upon. But the most important element in a living room is Windows. We often do everything for a living room makeover but most of the times it’s the glass and windows that we ignore.

Window is the Face of the Homes

Windows are the key ingredient of a room; it plays many parts rather than just looking outside or letting the sun rays in. If you really want to get a perfect living room, then you should give a try to few of these windows decorating tips that can make you feel awesome:


How To Compare The Different Soil Types Available For Your Landscape Garden

How To Compare The Different Soil Types Available For Your Landscape Garden

Whilst landscape designers have excellent skills when it comes to designing the layout of a landscaped garden, their knowledge also extends to matters related to horticulture. By that, we are talking about them knowing which plants are suitable within a design and the best conditions for each one.

If they did not have that knowledge, whilst they might initially create a great-looking garden, it would fail due to plants not growing, lawns looking discoloured due to poor drainage, and any other problems that can occur in gardens. Thankfully, most landscapers are reputable and will ensure any landscape design they create will produce a park that is an aesthetic joy and that everything that grows within that garden will thrive.

A garden that thrives is only possible if the soil within it is suitable for the plants that grow there, which brings us to one of those specific areas of knowledge that landscapers have. It is essential to know the types of soil within a garden and, where necessary, what soil needs to be added to allow the plants that are planned for it to have the best chances of thriving.

Although we cannot cover every possibility, we have highlighted below some soil types you might find in your garden and their various facets. This should allow you to compare them to ascertain which suits your garden and your plans.


Basic Tools for Gardening

Basic Tools for Gardening

If you have just moved into your first home you’ll be thrilled and elated that finally you can have everything the way you want without a landlord breathing down your neck. However, if you’ve only lived in rentals before, you may not have had the chance to do much landscaping, so to keep your new yard looking pristine you’ll need at least a few different garden tools.

Here is a list of basic tools that garden experts from www.gardenspec.com.au use, that you should be getting even if you’ve never had the chance to get your fingers dirty in the garden.

  • Grass and leaf rake. This is something everyone with a backyard that has trees or shrubs needs. Even if you use the grass-catcher on the mower, there will be stray leaves drifting down onto the lawn that need to be raked up.
  • Garden rake. This is for raking over soil, not over the lawn. When you dig up soil for a garden you need to break the clods up and even the soil out with the rake.
  • Garden fork. If the soil is not too compacted, a fork is useful for digging in prepared garden beds to mix in mulch and fertiliser
  • Short handled spade. You can dig a new garden or loosen the soil of an old one with the spade. It’s also useful to dig holes to plant shrubs and flowers – and to tidy the edges of the bed.


Why Professionally Cleaned Carpets Can Help You Sell Your Home

Why Professionally Cleaned Carpets Can Help You Sell Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful, and one of the most significant stress points is fearing that you cannot sell your home; however, have you ever considered that something as simple as having professional carpet cleaners come to your home could make the difference?

Now, we will state right away that if you price your home at too high an asking price or your home is in poor condition, no amount of carpet cleaning, professional or otherwise, is likely to convince a seller to buy it. But, if you have priced sensibly, and your home is well-maintained, any buyer viewing who also sees that your carpets look almost like new thanks to them being professionally cleaned could be moved closer to a decision to buy your home.

So, let us look closely at why that might be and examine precisely why professionally cleaned carpets can help you sell your home.

Carpets Take Up A Large Proportion Of What Buyers See When They View

Small details can come into play when a potential buyer views a house. However, it will be the more significant element that they will pay the most attention to. For example, when they look at the cleanliness and condition of the carpets on almost every square inch of the floor, this will have a far more significant influence on their decision than the kitchen taps.


10 Pool Enhancement Errors to Avoid

10 Pool Enhancement Errors to Avoid

To save you from figuring out all the pool remodeling mistakes after completion of the task or while you are halfway through it, we have lined up 10 errors. Read on to avoid yourself from committing these pool enhancement mistakes and save ample time and money.

Error 1: Forgetting the Work Permit

Yes, proper work permit is a must and cannot be avoided at any cost. Before beginning any work, make sure you avail a permit that confirms with all the necessary formalities of your locality.

Error 2: Purchasing Cheap Supplies

One of the worst money-saving tactics is buying cheap supplies. In the long run, you will end up spending double the amount on repairs and automatically regret your decision. Best quality materials will make your pool last long and look fabulous.

Error 3: Not Employing a Contractor

A professional pool builder plays a significant role. He is acquainted with the right permits to have, the right supplies to purchase and to apply the accurate solution whenever there is a problem.

Error 4: Overlooking Home Design

Overlooking your home design isn’t a great idea. Your pool should be an extension of your home style rather than being something so different that it ends up looking odd.


Electrical Safety Tips for Home Renovators

Electrical Safety Tips for Home Renovators

Home renovators often become their own renovating expert due to necessity. There are many jobs that a handyman can do around the home and when they get to work, it can certainly save money on the cost of renovations. However, any professional experienced electrical contractor will tell you that doing work you are not qualified for is not only dangerous, it can end up costing you more.  Here are some electrical safety tips for you if you are planning to renovate your home.

  • Do not bend any electrical lead or wiring, it could get damaged and become unsafe.
  • Don’t leave electrical leads lying around the floor where you or others can trip over them.
  • Don’t leave extension leads or power boards out in the hot sun or rain.
  • Don’t use them unless they are rated for home renovations.
  • Never piggy back double adaptors on any kind of power board or power point.
  • Become familiar with your fuse box in case the power goes out. Some use a trip wire to prevent burning if too many appliances are on at one time. Knowing how to flick the trip switch back on can save the cost of an electrician’s visit.
  • Be aware that most electrical work should be done by trained electricians.
  • Know what is okay for you to do.


How to Remove Stains from the Carpet

How to Remove Stains from the Carpet

Spills happen in most households and if you have carpet, along with pets or toddlers it is highly likely that you will eventually get a spill of something on the carpet. Even adults can spill things such as wine or coffee. It only takes a moment of inattention and the deed it done. It is what happens afterwards that is important. Treating the spill properly will hopefully remove the stain. Simply blotting it will only remove moisture and leave the stain there, so when it is time to move and then when the removalists are gone you will be left with very hard to remove stains.

To treat a stain on the carpet it is important to know what caused the stain and what type of carpet you have. The first is usually easier to identify than the second, especially if you are renting. However, no matter what type of carpet you have, it is important to mop up that spill as soon as possible. Mopping it up properly will prevent it from spreading and may even stop it from penetrating to the under-felt, which will make the job done by Carpet Cleaning Scarborough easier later on.

How to remove the moisture

First up, blot the stain with paper towelling or a white towel. Do not scrub or rub the area as this will damage the carpet fibres and spread the stain. Even when blotting, surround the edges of the spill with the paper towel and press towards the centre to keep it contained. Continue to press with clean sheets of paper until most the moisture has come out. There will still be a stain, especially if what spilled has deep colour, like wine or coffee.


5 Myths About Composite Decking Debunked

5 Myths About Composite Decking Debunked

There are many products, including different types of decking, that for some reason seem to attract more than their fair share of myths. In other words, there are misconceptions, some of which are completely ridiculous, as well as misinformation.

To be frank, there are also outright lies, which lead to people being confused about a product, and even deciding against purchasing it, simply because they believed one or more of the myths

Now, we must say from the outset that this is not the fault of consumers who are trying to find out more about a product and succumb to the myths about it, After all, they were not the ones which created those myths. In fact, it is hard to establish where these myths originate.

Sometimes they are from traditionalists who want to knock modern advancements and developments, and other times it might be rival manufacturers who try to sow doubts about a competitor’s product.

Often, a myth may have stemmed from an issue that a product had in the past, but which through development and advances in how it is manufactured, no longer exist, but the myth continues. This is very much the case with a lot of the myths relating to composite decking, as you will see.

Whatever the source or cause of a myth, in the end it does not matter. What does matter though, especially for those thinking about buying composite decking, is that we put those myths to bed right now and debunk them all.
