Five Benefits of Installing an Alarm Monitoring System

Five Benefits of Installing an Alarm Monitoring System

Alarm monitoring systems are becoming increasingly common across Australia. They provide an added layer of security for your home or commercial premises and help prevent intruders from robbing you or vandalising your property.

There are numerous different types of alarm monitoring systems available, but they are all based on the same core concepts. To put it simply, those using a monitored alarm system will benefit from real-time notifications if an intruder does attempt to break-in or vandalise your property.

In this article, we’ve outlined five major benefits of using an alarm monitoring service. Remember, it’s always a good idea to speak with a security expert to determine what sort of system is best for your property.

  1. You Will Be Notified Immediately if Something Is Wrong

The first, and one of the most notable benefits of installing an alarm monitoring system is that they will notify you as soon as your security system is breached. There are a few different options here.

First, you can opt to have security notifications delivered directly to your smartphone, either via an app or text messages/email. Alternatively, you can contract a security company to take care of things for you. They will be notified as soon as there’s a breach and will be able to respond accordingly.


Landscaping Trends of 2022

Landscaping Trends of 2022

As each year passes, new landscaping trends start popping up across the country. Many homeowners are looking for something unique and aesthetically pleasing that makes them stand out in their neighbourhood.

If the new year on the horizon has you looking at your landscaping options, here are a few of the most exciting ones, picked by Complete Projects WA, to start your 2022 with a bang.

A Wildlife Haven

While landscaping for your own needs will always be a popular trend, 2022 will mark the beginning of a new movement: landscaping for wildlife.

Whether you want to hear birds singing in your trees or enjoy knowing you’re giving wildlife a home, it can be a worthwhile consideration to make.

Ask your local landscaping experts about specific plants to attract wildlife, native trees and bushes for shelter, and shrubs for nectar and seeds. A few minor additions can be all it takes to create a wildlife-friendly backyard.

A Mental Health Retreat

Many studies have looked at nature as something that benefits our mind, body, and spirit. In recent years, there has been more focus on our mental health than ever before.

So, it makes complete sense that 2022 will be the year homeowners start looking at ways to make their gardens and yards more mental health-friendly. Fortunately, there are so many options that can tie in with your current house design.


The Effect of Weather on Outdoor Furniture

The Effect of Weather on Outdoor Furniture

It may seem obvious that outdoor furniture should stand up to the weather. After all, you don’t want the hard job of carrying it out and back in every time it is to be used. And unless it can stay outside all the time, you will end up not wanting to use it at all because the job is so onerous. If the furniture is to be located on a grassy area it is even more important that it is weatherproof.

When something heavy is left on grass it will sink in and reach the soil underneath, which is often quite damp. This will rot the legs of most timber furniture, because even if it is painted, that constant wear on the base of the legs will soon penetrate the paint and the moisture will seep up into the inside of the wood. The end result will be the paint is compromised and the timber will rot from the ground up.

At least, this is what happens with softwoods, especially anything left untreated. However, certain hardwood decking will stay strong and in their natural state for many years even though they are outside in the weather. Think of all those heavy beams used for piers or boat masts. They get wet all the time, but they last for many years. Boat wood furniture is therefore ideal for any external design or renovation that needs furniture.


A Guide To Making An All-New Green Kitchen

A Guide To Making An All-New Green Kitchen

With changing times, changes our responsibilities as well. Cooking is no more just about manufacture and consumption of food; rather, cooking is one of the most necessary components for survival and should be performed accordingly. What is a home without a kitchen? The answer is incomplete. Therefore, in order to make your home a place you feel most comfortable in, it is important to take care in designing of your kitchen.

With increasing workload, the cacophony of an industrial work life seems to get onto our nerves at certain times; and during these times what we crave for the most is a little bit of nature, a little bit of green, a little bit of pure organic life, that would give you the comfort of a mother, unadulterated.

As responsible and conscious human beings, it is not just enough to survive; it is important to ensure a healthy survival of the generations to come. To be precise, sustainability is essential, and it requires us to live in a more environment-friendly manner so that we do not affect the plants/animals/atmosphere around us adversely.

Why should I have a Green kitchen?

An environment-friendly kitchen is a kitchen that cooks eco-friendly manner so that balance is retained between our lifestyle and the outer environment we are living in. In respect to that, an eco-friendly kitchen deserves proper cleaning in a manner that would not disturb the ecological balance of our nature.


How to Design the Perfect Bathroom Vanity

How to Design the Perfect Bathroom Vanity

Ask any cabinet maker from, and they will tell you that the bathroom is the most important room in the house, next to the kitchen. Shouldn’t it be one you’re proud of and one that you’re not ashamed for guests to visit? Designing the perfect bathroom vanity can undoubtedly assist, and here’s how to do it.

Take a Critical Look At Your Bathroom

If you have been thinking about renovating your bathroom, then chances are you don’t like what you see. But what is it about your bathroom that you don’t like? Is it the lack of storage? The dated or damaged vanity? Or maybe it’s the inferior quality cabinetry that doesn’t seem to withstand daily use?

Once you can identify what you don’t like about your bathroom, you can start thinking about what you want your new bathroom to have.

Come Up with Ideas

Realising why you don’t like your current bathroom is half the battle. The other half is coming up with solutions to those problems. For example, suppose a lack of cabinetry is to blame. In that case, it makes sense to include more cabinetry and a new vanity in your bathroom renovation.


8 Tips For Caring For Your Landscaping During Long Hot Summers

8 Tips For Caring For Your Landscaping During Long Hot Summers

One of the problems that landscapers and gardeners have in some parts of the world is the weather, and in particular dealing with cold, wet, wintry conditions whilst creating and then maintaining landscaped gardens Conversely, here in Australia, the problems Perth Landscapers from face with weather are rarely that it is wintry but instead it is the hot, sunny weather that creates issues.

Whilst most people are happy when the sun is out, they are not so keen when the temperatures reach unbearable levels. That same mindset is held by many gardeners, including those who have landscape designs. Although the sun is most welcome as it helps flowers and plants to grow, too much of it, and the excessive heat which is generated, are most definitely not healthy for gardens.

So, if you live in a part of the country which is especially prone to lots of excessive heat and have a landscaped garden to look after, what can you do? Well, to start with, you can follow the eight tips we have outlined below for caring for landscaping during long, hot summers.


Why Your Carpet May Need Dry Shampooing

Why Your Carpet May Need Dry Shampooing

The two primary ways to clean carpets are steam cleaning and dry shampooing. Neither name describes the cleaning action correctly. Professional carpet cleaners often use steam cleaning, with chemicals sprayed onto the carpet and hot water injected into the rug. Usually, a rinse cycle is done. The machine then extracts most moisture so the carpet dries quickly, at least in less than 24 hours.

But dry shampooing is not dry; it uses less water and chemicals, but the residue of shampoo and chemicals dries quickly. Dirt sticks to it, so it must be vacuumed out the next day by the homeowner. Since less water is used, the carpet will dry in a few hours. Even though the professional carpet cleaning method is not quite as good as steam cleaning, there are times when choosing a professional service, such as commercial cleaners, is better.

  • After you have finished renovating and want to get the dust and grunge out of the carpet.
  • If you expect visitors the next day and realise the carpet looks grubby.
  • You’ve had tradespeople in and forgot to cover the carpet.
  • You’ve had a party, and the carpet got sloshed as well.
  • You need to freshen the carpet up but don’t have time to wait for it to dry.


Defining A New Look For Your Contemporary Kitchen

Defining A New Look For Your Contemporary Kitchen

Contemporary Design

While defining a contemporary kitchen, one must be clear about the contemporary styles. It means the design or interior planned or developed according to the present time. The contemporary style is not rigid but flexible. It is very dynamic in nature, as it is cannot be defined as one style but it keeps on updating with the passing time.

It also mixes various other small designs from the different era, which can help your kitchen look classier. The contemporary architecture that can be used in your kitchen design can be like embraced solid walls covered in a random manner, under a roof that will give you a boxy feel.

Currently, there is a trend of emerging in contemporary interiors, i.e. one can merge the kitchen with dining or the dining can also be merged with living but connected to the kitchen.

How to Decorate the Contemporary Kitchen?

How to Choose a Colour Scheme For Your New Home

How to Choose a Colour Scheme For Your New Home

Colour is a big part of design, whether you’re getting a new landscape design or doing an internal renovation, it can seem a bit overwhelming to choose a colour palette for the whole house. Having the same neutral colours for every room is what you find in rentals. When it comes to your own home, you want something a little more distinctive and up-market than that.  Here are some tips on how to choose colours that go well together without being bland and boring.

  • Walk through the home with a pen and paper and jot down which other parts of the home can be seen from each room. This will ensure the colours chosen for each room will go well together with the colours that can be seen from there. Using a rough sketch of the floor plan is an easy way to keep track of it. It is not only the adjoining rooms that may be seen but places like the hall through to the kitchen.
  • Choose a colour for the room that is the biggest and most central to the whole house. Feeling stressed? Choose a soft, neutral hue for this room and that will make it easier to choose colours for the other rooms. But if you love colour and want to have at least one room painted in bold colours, start from that room. Then looking out from that room, choose somewhat softer colours for the rooms or spaces you can see from there. That’s not to say you can’t use bold colours next to each other, but there is an element of risk in doing so. You don’t want the colours to clash.

Why Professionally Cleaned Carpets Can Help You Sell Your Home

Why Professionally Cleaned Carpets Can Help You Sell Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful, and one of the most significant stress points is fearing that you cannot sell your home; however, have you ever considered that something as simple as having professional carpet cleaners come to your home could make the difference?

Now, we will state right away that if you price your home at too high an asking price or your home is in poor condition, no amount of carpet cleaning, professional or otherwise, is likely to convince a seller to buy it. But, if you have priced sensibly, and your home is well-maintained, any buyer viewing who also sees that your carpets look almost like new thanks to them being professionally cleaned could be moved closer to a decision to buy your home.

So, let us look closely at why that might be and examine precisely why professionally cleaned carpets can help you sell your home.

Carpets Take Up A Large Proportion Of What Buyers See When They View

Small details can come into play when a potential buyer views a house. However, it will be the more significant element that they will pay the most attention to. For example, when they look at the cleanliness and condition of the carpets on almost every square inch of the floor, this will have a far more significant influence on their decision than the kitchen taps.
